Grow Into Your True Potential - Mental Fitness Training and Coaching

I'm pumped to announce on July 1st, 2024, the official launch of my new mental fitness coaching and training services, dedicated to empowering professionals at the midpoint or later stages of their careers. Having personally experienced the transformative power of Positive Intelligence® (PQ) mental fitness training, I am now a licensed PQ Coach, excited to help others achieve the same or better positive outcomes.

My coaching is for individuals who have already proven themselves professionally and personally. Outwardly confident and in positions of leadership, they know they want more than another promotion or bonus (although that would be nice:-) They are easily capable of surviving in an uncertain world, but want to be free from endemic stress and overwhelm to truly thrive - creating a life prioritising balance and purpose.

My journey towards self-actualisation began when I reached a tipping point due to the stress of “too many good choices.” My own coach, tired of my complaints, suggested improving my mental fitness and introduced me to Shirzad Chamine’s NYT best-selling book, Positive Intelligence. Its impact convinced me to invest in the same PQ foundational course I am now authorised to offer my network of high-achievers..

In just six weeks, PQ’s mental fitness training had such a profound effect on my wellbeing that I doubled down, and in 2023, became a licensed Positive Intelligence Coach to help others quiet their mind’s inner critic, eliminate self-doubt, stress, and overwhelm. My goal is to guide individuals to harness their fierce courage, enabling them to shift into clear-headed, laser-focused, and decisive action.

I am committed to sharing and training others using the PQ system. My mission is to help professionals within corporate settings, particularly in multinational Swiss-based companies, to reach their full potential. By integrating PQ mental fitness training into corporate development programs, we can improve your performance, wellbeing, and nurture healthier relationships both at work and home.‍

Why Positive Intelligence?

  • Enhanced Resilience: Develop mental agility to navigate challenges effectively.
  • Improved Wellbeing: Reduce stress and overwhelm to achieve a balanced life.
  • Healthier Relationships: Foster better communication and collaboration at work and home.

I'm excited about partnering with HR executives, team leaders and individuals who are committed to the continuous development of their skills and true potential. Let's work together to create an environment where everyone can stay in ease and flow - no matter the outside and inner challenges we all face on a daily basis. 

If you're interested in learning more about how mental fitness training can benefit you, and by extension, everyone around you, book a Quick Hello call in my calendar — or request a PQ demo in-person or virtually. I look forward to embarking on a transformative journey with you.

Here's to a future of thriving, balanced, joyful and purposeful living!